How do stereotypes influence the choice of heating equipment?
In the world of heating systems, there are many myths and misconceptions that can lead to the wrong choice of equipment. Many consumers are still convinced that heating is only hot radiators and a boiler and do not take into account the specific requirements of different premises. In an interview with the executive directors of the Slovak company Adrian Group, Michal MIHALYFI and Viktoria VRANSKÁ, we will look at the common stereotypes and their consequences and see that it is important to find qualified experts in the field of energy to choose the right technology.
Consumers often rely on stereotypes or outdated ideas when choosing technology. These myths distort the capabilities of technology or can be an obstacle to its proper use. What are common misconceptions about consumer characteristics and uses of devices on the market, and what negative consequences can they have when choosing devices?
Michal Mihalyfi and Viktoria Vranská, executive directors of Adrian Group s. r. o. (Slovakia)
If we talk specifically about heating, the biggest stereotype that has persisted among consumers for several decades is that "heating equals hot water in radiators, boilers, boiler rooms". There is also still an opinion that radiators are a universal solution for any premises. However, the difference between residential and office premises and industrial premises is fundamental. Unfortunately, in recent years, we have seen a very strange trend in Europe of the disappearance of the profession of energy engineer in factories. Even in the largest international corporations, the functions of energy engineer are gradually being transferred to the company maintenance manager, who already has enough of his own responsibilities. The lack of professional training in the field of thermal engineering and the fundamental lack of time do not give him wide opportunities for comparative analyses and assessment of various options for energy solutions from both an investment and operational point of view. At the same time, the choice of heating, ventilation and cooling for the entire enterprise is undoubtedly a key strategic decision with far-reaching consequences, especially given the growth of tariffs for primary energy sources.
When choosing equipment, consumers often focus on the initial cost, ignoring the overall costs of operation, maintenance and long-term benefits. This can lead to increased costs in the future and the selection of inefficient solutions. What errors related to the understanding of acquisition costs do you see in the consumer environment and how do such approaches affect the selection of equipment and the further operation of technical systems?
Our company Adrian Group from Slovakia has been manufacturing and supplying gas infrared heaters for heating large and high industrial and civil premises for more than 30 years. There are two most common mistakes that are most often repeated in our segment. When using infrared heaters in a project, buyers sometimes prefer ceramic infrared heaters of light color, because they are more compact and cheaper. They do not realize that these devices burn gas on the surface, and all combustion products remain in the room. In addition, these devices consume oxygen from the indoor air. When purchasing, the customer could save perhaps 12-15 percent of the investment, but he has to build a new ventilation system, that is, a completely different technology that requires its own approval and subsequent maintenance, which not only does not pay off in terms of investment, but also causes additional expenses. Why should we ventilate expensively produced heat. The more different technologies there are, the more potential problems there are, and as workplace quality and hygiene standards become stricter, ventilation requirements will continue to increase.
Benefits of Infrared Heating
Super dark infrared heaters – here we can talk about two fundamental misunderstandings. This device can have a higher power than a light or dark type of infrared heater, often reaching a power of up to hundreds of kilowatts. To achieve these characteristics, manufacturers usually offer radiant tubes of significant lengths, which leads to combinations of really long lengths and massive systems. Despite the greater power, the principle of operation remains unchanged. When choosing such a device, the buyer believes that one large, powerful unit, to which long tubes are connected, will solve the problem of heating the entire room, especially when the manufacturer offers tubes of various shapes and curvatures. However, the heat will be distributed unevenly in the workshop. Due to the low temperature of the radiant surface, such a system is prone to drafts, ventilation or air pollution. The second weakness is that we have a central source. If one device fails, the entire room will cool down.
Suitable and profitable solution:
The use of dark infrared heaters in old buildings and buildings with poor thermal insulation can be an investment benefit for the customer, as they are certainly suitable for rooms with increased air exchange and heat losses. Therefore, the choice between reconstruction and insulation of the workshop or its heating with infrared heaters is completely justified, it just has to be the right type of device. Construction investments can therefore be moved to the next phase, but today we can efficiently and economically heat the object to the desired temperature with optimal energy consumption even if it has significant heat losses.
Adrian-Rad E350 dark gas infrared heater in a under ceiling installation in an industrial space.
In Slovakia, we pay great attention to Energy Performance Contracts* programs for the reconstruction of energy systems (mechanisms for financing energy service contracts). Repayment from savings and spreading the investment over several years facilitates the process of replacing a heating system.
The initial costs in relation to operating costs are also directly affected by control systems. Even large consumers often opt for very simple heating control options, sometimes even at the level of a conventional room thermostat. On the one hand, a radiant system is not suitable for temperature measurement unless it is equipped with a special internal sensor capable of converting the measured radiation value into temperature, adding it to the air temperature and turning off the system when the so-called “feeling temperature” is reached. It is the difference between the perceived temperature and the air temperature that ensures operating cost savings, and by choosing an unsuitable control system, the customer voluntarily deprives himself of this source of savings. On the other hand, any investment in cutting-edge technology is a real loss if you cannot control this technology effectively. It is the control system that can take energy saving to a completely different level. Heating only where, when and how much is needed is an important prerequisite for optimizing energy consumption and costs. This allows you to create zones in the heating system that are temperature and time independent. Constant monitoring and evaluation are the key to discovering hidden reserves.
Energy Efficiency & Cost Savings
Very often, a client who is deeply involved in choosing a heating system does not see additional energy saving options, such as control systems, destratifiers or door curtains. Even though they are not directly part of the heating system, these systems occupy an irreplaceable place in an integrated approach, as they can increase the level of overall energy efficiency many times over.
In the conditions of great competition in the market of technical equipment, each company tries to emphasize the unique features of its products. Professionals are looking for specific advantages that will justify their choice and ensure successful operation. What are the key technical features and competitive advantages of your device its most beneficial solution for consumers?
Our brand has gained a very good reputation and has long been recognizable in the HVAC market. The unique design of the infrared burner, especially the Adrian-Rad E type with a monoblock burner, which ensures partial recirculation of gas combustion flue gases and heat recovery and its transfer between gas combustion flue gases and new intake air for combustion, which allows achieving minimal or even zero content of harmful substances in combustion products. In addition, the device is entirely made of stainless steel, which ensures unlimited service life of components that are not subject to mechanical wear. All installers and service technicians emphasize easy installation and convenience during service. Our infrared heaters are very aesthetic and will not spoil any interior, which is very important for sports grounds, shopping centers, car showrooms, for example. It is not surprising that our design was copied by competitors - fortunately, unsuccessfully. The price/quality ratio still looks attractive, so today you can also find our devices under other brands on the European market.
In addition to the technical side of the issue, an important argument for choosing a particular company is its focus on the customer. We can offer our customers an individual approach and communicate in five languages. Each sales market has its own locally trained sales and service specialists. The necessary spare parts and technical advice are always available. Partners can also rely on us in matters of certification and logistics.
Continuous innovation is one of the critical factors for successful business in our rapidly changing world. Using the latest technologies increases productivity, reduces operating costs and solves unique customer challenges. How do your innovative solutions help increase the efficiency of your clients, their projects and solve their unique needs?
Opportunities for innovation in the infrared heating segment are already very limited. Manufacturers should primarily focus on extending the life of their equipment and prolonging the preservation of its original performance characteristics. The use of quality materials and components from proven brands with constant technical support is the basis for reliable equipment. The end of the appliance's life must also be considered from the point of view of disposal and recycling. The trend of reducing the volume of gas combustion products is intensifying. Low emissions during operation, maximum service life and thoughtful disposal are the answers to pressing questions about the overall carbon footprint of equipment. Innovations are also evident in the approach to the development of technical solutions and design. Customer requirements are increasingly complex. The answer is complex systems that offer solutions not only for key processes, but also for supporting processes.
Choosing the Right Heating System
By combining systems, functional principles and heat transfer fluids, a system can be created that meets today's and future requirements. Once upon a time, pleasant warmth in the workplace meant compliance with the working temperature regime, operating conditions of machines and equipment and high efficiency, employee productivity and low morbidity. Today, we also consider heat in terms of its properties and quality. Is the enterprise conditionally “clean”, are there “dirty” processes, is it precision production, what stable air temperature or surface temperature is more suitable for the material? What happens when the material moves from one zone to another, etc. Our task is to find out all aspects and adapt the technical solution accordingly.
For many clients, real-life cases and examples of its successful use serve as confirmation of the quality and reliability of the device. Can you provide short practical examples that convincingly demonstrate the successful use of your device and reveal its unique capabilities?
We can give an example of a sports hall in the city of Smederevo, Republic of Serbia, which was built for the XXV Summer Universiade 2009. The multifunctional gym, financed by of the state budget, was to become a showcase not only for sports, but also for the technologies used.
Sports complex hall in Smederevo (Serbia)
Integrated heating, cooling and ventilation technology was implemented in one system with heat recovery, air conditioning, etc. The air was distributed throughout the hall by an air duct laid around the perimeter of the hall. Since the hall has a capacity of approximately 3,600 people, there is enough seating for spectators around the central court. This means that the air ducts were placed at the highest point behind the backs of the last spectators, who were furthest from the court. These people were extremely cooled in summer and overheated in winter, because they were a natural barrier that did not let cold or warm air further into the space. To avoid discomfort, the air flow was limited to a minimum. Even if there were no spectators, this air would never reach the athletes, since the court is located in the middle of the hall at the lowest level. Given that the hall was used for training sessions without spectators most of the year, the installed systems were insufficient and could not provide comfort on the field. The total investment in this system amounted to approximately 250 thousand euros.
When the implementers realized what had happened, it went well, they invited us for a consultation. We designed the heating of the field itself and the adjacent part of the audience with dark gas infrared heaters suspended under the ceiling at a height of 16 meters. The total investment amounted to 22 thousand euros, including gas supply and electrical wiring. The infrared heaters have been operating without problems since 2008 and provide the necessary and comfortable heat for athletes and spectators. There are also examples where customers have saved up to 80 percent of energy, which is also confirmed by their feedback based on meter readings.
* Energy Performance Contracts (EPCs) alebo Energy Savings Performance Contracts (ESPCs) — "Energy Performance Contracting" is an alternative financing mechanism designed to accelerate investment in cost-effective energy saving measures in existing buildings.