Ceiling fans reduce heat loss

Use of any heating system results in producing hot air that will leave the working area and rise above as a function of natural physical principals. Heat is accumulated under the ceiling where it delivers no benefits to the user and causes extra thermal losses through roof construction. One of the most effective ways to air temperature stratification is a use of destratificators. They will mix the air inside to minimize temperature differences at various heights in the entire building in order to create homogenous air temperature.

Function of destratification

Well-designed destratificator spreads the heat between the ceiling and the floor proportionally with appropriate speed and flow direction. It has got the potential to create „virtual ceiling“, which represents the opposite pressure against rising hot air and it slows it down almost to a stop at chosen height. In result it reduces heated volume of the building. This effect of destratification increases temperature comfort and saves energy costs by reusing once produced heating. It returns the heat the user paid for already back into working area. Our under ceiling fans create optimum destratification with right size and low air speed without causing excessive air movement inside the building even during winter season.



The hottest air in the room is always at the top because it is 5 to 10% lighter than the standard temperature air (18 to 24 °C). Temperature under the roof may easily reach from 29 to 60°C depending on insulation of construction and the height. Thermostat placed in the working zone registers the temperature of colder air that is located closer to the floor and it forces source of heat to deliver more energy in order to reach desired settings. Destratificators eliminate this successfully based on natural principals.


destratifikácia vzduchu vo výrobnej hale

The portfolio of HEATER MIX destratifiers, which is a long-term part of our company’s product range, has recently expanded with HEATER MIX 1 and MIX 2 destratifiers, equipped with EC motors. These, unlike destratifiers with AC asynchronous motors, perform at high efficiency even at lower speeds, which leads to reduction of electricity consumption. 

Especially for devices that work at full power only at a certain time of the year, the energy saving when using EC motors compared to ordinary AC asynchronous motors is enormous. 

Their indisputable advantage is trouble-free speed regulation from 0 to 100% of power with excellent efficiency in the entire range. Long motor life with minimal risk of overheating and lower noise during regulation compared to AC motors. 

Smooth starting from minimum to maximum, no starting current is required as with AC motors.